Legal, Safety and Sanitary Requirements

In Eco Tour Cusco we are pleased to inform that at the moment of booking any tourist service with us you accept the following conditions and recommendations:

Legal Requirements

  • To enter Peru it is an indispensable requirement to present a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months counted from your entry to the national territory. Citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile can enter with their national identification document.
  • To enter any archeological site (Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, Caral, Huacas del Sol y la Luna, El Brujo, Chan Chan, Pachacámac, Sipán, among others) it is necessary to carry your passport or identity card as appropriate.
  • The hotels and travel agencies will require a copy of your passport or identity card, to book the various services that you contract, these documents are safeguarded by the travel agency Eco Tour Cusco.

Security Recommendations

  • It is advisable to enter Peru with your travel insurance that has coverage for any unforeseen event that may arise during your trip.
  • According to the destination you wish to visit, you should bring comfortable clothes or warm clothes; our travel consultants will recommend you the best clothes according to the destinations you wish to visit.
  • Organize your tours in Peru before your arrival, so you can have more time to experience the culture, customs and traditions of Peru, as well as enjoy the Andean landscapes.
  • When arriving at a destination with a lot of altitude above sea level as the city of Cusco, it is advisable to drink coca tea and rest for at least 2 hours before starting your activities, to get acclimatized.

Sanitary Recommendations

  • Since October 27, 2022, with the publication of Supreme Decree No. 130-2022-PCM repealing the National State of Emergency for COVID-19, the restrictions and measures adopted in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic have been eliminated. To enter Peru, the presentation of a vaccination card or any other document is not required. In general, the use of face masks is not mandatory indoors or outdoors. However, as in the rest of the world, there are still contagions, so the traveler should consider the convenience of having a complete vaccination schedule and the use of protective measures.
  • In case of suspicion of having contracted COVID-19, the necessary information can be requested through the web page of the Peruvian Ministry of Health -MINSA- ( or by calling locally the toll-free number 113.
  • In the jungle it is necessary to protect against yellow fever (the vaccine, to be effective, must be administered at least ten days before travel) and the use of malaria prophylaxis is recommended. It is also strongly recommended to apply insect repellent on any trip to the jungle and to wear long sleeves, especially at dawn and dusk. These last measures also serve to prevent dengue fever, since the only way to prevent it is to avoid the bite of the mosquito that carries the disease. Significant outbreaks of dengue fever have been reported in certain areas of the Amazon jungle (departments of Ucayali, Loreto and San Martin) and some cases have also been reported in the departments of Piura and Tumbes.
  • In the highlands, above 3,000 meters, it can affect altitude sickness or sickness. It is recommended to rest when arriving at a high altitude destination, especially if arriving by plane from the coast (for example, the Lima – Cusco trip), eat light food and drink herbal teas. It is also advisable to use sunscreen with a high SPF index when traveling at high altitudes, especially in the Arequipa region, where solar radiation indexes are among the highest in the world.
  • On the coast, beware of both mosquitoes and sunburn, since the sun’s rays are especially strong, as Peru is very close to the equator.
  • In general, the consumption of running water should be avoided, as well as undisinfected vegetables and fruits. It is recommended not to eat fish, vegetables and fruits in establishments with poor sanitary guarantees. It is always advisable to be provided with anti-diarrheal and antihistamine medicines.

Thank you for your attention!